Press releases:

ProUCare is implemented by ECLER, with support of members of RoTIP (Romanian Network of NGOs against Trafficking in Persons).
The project is funded by CARE – a global confederation that has been fighting poverty and social injustice for over 75 years, and coordinated at national level by the SERA Romania Foundation and with the support of Care France and FONPC.
The aim of the project is to prevent sexual violence and human trafficking among Ukrainian refugees and to early identify the indicators of potential offenses, and report them to ECLER or competent authorities.
In order to achieve this objective, the project comprises 6 main activities:
A1. Research (2022, June – July) related to the current situation of Ukrainians in Romania, their level of protection, immediate needs, and medium-term integration policies
Summary of Research (updated, February 2023)
A2. Community organizing (2022, July 21 – 22) aims to identify 15 potential English-speaking leaders among the Ukrainian refugees and train them as community organizers (training for trainers) in order to prevent sexual based violence and human trafficking.
The training will be delivered in English and hosted by the Romanian-American University’s Center for Human Rights and Migration (1B Expozitiei Blvd., Bucharest). Participants from outside Bucharest will be accommodated at Ramada Parc Hotel (3 Poligrafiei Blvd., Bucharest).
Ukrainian refugees are invited to apply for the present training by filling in the online form below:
The training agenda may be consulted below:
A3. Trainings (2022, July 28 – 29 and September 24 – 25) (2×25 participants) on detection and reporting of potential cases of sexual based violence and human trafficking among Ukrainian refugees with 50 representatives of civil society, independent professionals, and state authorities. The training presents specific potential cases of human trafficking identified among Ukrainian refugees, focusing on the OSCE and GRETA (Council of Europe) recommendations on prevention of human trafficking, as well as the EU guideline on temporary protection with its specific references to THB.
The training will be delivered in Romanian and hosted by the Romanian-American University’s Center for Human Rights and Migration (1B Expozitiei Blvd., Bucharest). Participants from outside Bucharest will be accommodated at Ramada Parc Hotel (3 Poligrafiei Blvd., Bucharest).
The interested persons are invited to apply for one of the training programs by filling in the online form below. Registration is open until July 25:
The training agenda may be consulted below:
A4. Awareness sessions (2022, September-October) about risks of human trafficking and disinformation. There will be 10 online sessions organized, in order to raise awareness about main risks of THB among the Ukrainians. An online form to collect information about possible cases of human trafficking (#OnSilent) will be translated in Ukrainian and promoted during these sessions. The main target groups are Ukrainian and Romanian youth, for a total of 50 Ukrainians and 300 Romanians.
A5. Journalistic investigation (2022, June-September) – a journalistic investigation on the main risks of human trafficking & loverboy among the Ukrainians will be done with a short video-documentary of 25-40 minutes
A.6 Analysis (2022, September-October) on the Ukrainians protection evolution. The analysis focuses on the situation of persons under temporary protection in Romania, exposing the developments unfolded between the time of the start and end of the project, mainly related to the main risks of sexual based violence and human trafficking
Contact: [email protected]