The TACT Project (Together Against Child Trafficking aims to improve the level of safety against gender-based violence (GBV) among children, including sexual exploitation and trafficking in persons (TIP). This objective is achieved through preventive measures and capacity building of professionals working with children, using an overall system strengthening approach that will make our interventions sustainable and scalable to the extent possible. Our project covers actions to prevent GBV, including online sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), as well as trafficking in persons in order to reduce the risks and to early identify the potential cases. Young Romanians are empowered through our trainings of trainers on GBV/THB knowledge transfer in order to become Ambassadors for Freedom in their communities.

To achieve this goal, the ECLER, with support of international, national and local partners, will implement interventions for a systemic change that will ultimately benefit child victims of GBV/TIP and those at risk. This intervention is especially critical, given the international and national data that shows that Romanian children are at high risk of GBV and TIP, mainly because of lack of adequate awareness measures and proper information.

The main activities implemented under the project’s framework are:

A1. Preventing GBV & TIP through Engagement of Youth

Based on the active youth employment model already developed and successfully implemented by ECLER, 2 specialized training sessions will be delivered for the prevention and early identification of potential cases of GBV/THB. The training program will bring trainers and participants together in a friendly environment, using interactive and participatory methods, specially chosen for the effective implementation of such an activity with the intended target group.

Training sessions (2):

  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]
  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]

Participation is based on prior registration through the dedicated online form:

[to be announced]


A2. InfoSessions in communities

There will be 10 InfoSessions, in online and/or physical format. The physical activities will be supported by Ambassadors for Freedom, trained through training programs, with the support of ECLER experts.

InfoSessions (10):

  • 13 September 2023, High School Henri Coanda, Sibiu, 08:00
  • 04 December 2023, Technical High School “Jacques M. Elias”, Sascut, 09:00
  • 12 December 2023, online, 17:00
  • 18 December 2023, online, 10:00
  • 18 December 2023, Grigore Ghica Voievod School, Bucharest, 13:30
  • 2024 [date/hour to be announced]
  • 2024 [date/hour to be announced]
  • 2024 [date/hour to be announced]
  • 2024 [date/hour to be announced]
  • 2024 [date/hour to be announced]

Participation is based on prior registration through the dedicated online form:

A3. Local capacity building

ECLER will deliver a training program to local front-line workers, staff from accommodation centers and professionals working with children. This training program is designed for 2 intensive days, focusing on identification of potential victims/offenders and referral procedures.

Training program (1):

  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]

Participation is based on prior registration through the dedicated online form:

[to be announced]

A4. Freedom Day

The 16th of March is globally promoted as the Freedom Day against Human Trafficking. ECLER initiated in 2023 the organization of large-scale events to celebrate this day and in 2024 we plan to extend its celebration at the national level. The youth engaged in A1 and the professionals trained under A3 will be encouraged and supported to organize at least 5 local activities to celebrate Freedom Day on the 16th of March 2024 and/or similar profile events.

  • 2024-03-21 – Local session “Freedom Day” type, Câmpulung Muscel
  • 2024-03-29 – Local session “Freedom Day” type, Bucharest
  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]
  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]
  • 2024 [exact date to be announced]
  • 4 positions available: organization and implementation of a local “Freedom Day” activity on the topic of preventing and combating human trafficking; estimated 250 EUR/event; ~50 participants/event; implementation report for completion.


Interested persons are kindly asked to contact ECLER at the contact address: