Grup de Lucru “Global Network Against Modern Slavery” – GNAMS


Grupul de Lucru “Global Network Against Modern Slavery”, inițiat și coordonat de către ECLER, are ca principal obiectiv facilitarea unei reacții globale, coordonate, împotriva traficului de persoane, prin activități de conștientizare și schimb de bune practici.





Dear colleagues,

My name is Silvia Tabusca and I am a Professional Fellow of the U.S. Department of State and the Coordinator of the Human Security Program at the European Center for Legal Education and Research.  I have been working in the field of international human rights protection for over fifteen years, with a specific focus on non-discrimination (disability, women, religion, Roma, LGBT) and, more recently, on human security (human trafficking, migration and smuggling, refugees, R2P, SDGs & the rights of future generations).

Following our U.S. experience as Professional Fellows, I am pleased to extend an invitation to all of you who are interested in fighting against human trafficking in order to establish together a Global Network against Modern Slavery (GNAMS), followed by an awareness-raising campaign in 2018-2019.

Through this initiative we aim to facilitate a stronger and more coordinated response against human trafficking within our local and national communities, to build lasting global partnerships among actors engaged in preventing and combating modern slavery through international cooperation, and also, to enhance our professional skills in order to further create responsive and responsible local leadership.

In order to launch GNAMS we plan to apply for financial support based on the needs of raising awareness on human trafficking, identified within the local/national communities of each ProFellow Member. We encourage all of you – who are interested to be part of this Global Network and who are actively engaged in programs related to civic education and local participation, business and medical ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and institutional transparency, or rights of aliens and national emigrants – to join us by filling in the information requested in the ONLINE FORM.


We would very much appreciate your support to extend the network in your country through a recommendation to non-ProFellow Members in case that any subject related to the basic forms of human exploitation (labour, sexual, begging, or human organs removal) goes beyond your area of interest.

We look forward to establishing an effective global cooperation against modern slavery. We would also like to mention that there is no membership fee. For any further information or inquiry, please do not hesitate to visit our website or to contact us by email at


Best regards,

Silvia Tăbușcă,

Professional Fellow

U.S. Department of State




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